A picture of a bunch of dogs of all sizes from large breeds to small breeds.

Between our knowledgeable team, spacious play areas, personalized attention, and a commitment to creating a safe and joyful environment, we know your pup will be happy with us.

You don't have to trust us, see examples below

A picture of a Samoyed and a smaller dog looking up at the bigger dog
Accepts all breeds
20 weeks and older allowed
Accepts unaltered dogs
Trainer owned and handlers undergo rigorous training process
Single owner/more personal approach based business
No interview process. Just bring your dog.
Training advice based on understanding the deeper root of your dogs’ issues
Hiking offered for dogs’ with social anxiety and aggression as an alternative
No micro charging. Pricing upfront and reasonable
Home style boarding
Breed specific bans and/or prejudice towards certain breeds
Age restrictions, only 12 months and older
Does not accepted unaltered dogs
Has “certified dog handlers” with questionable qualification process
Franchises with cookie cutter systems
Required interviews with your dog which is not enough time to understand them
Basic training that does not cover behavioral issues
Playtime only for those perfectly behaved dogs
Micro charges for everything. High cost with little value
Large facilities